Write a program in C language to find nCr and nPr

1/26/2014 02:38:00 pm Unknown 0 Comments

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;

int fict(int n)
    int i, sum=1;
    for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
         sum = sum*i;
    return sum;

      char status, find;
      int n, r, ans;
      while(status != 'n')
             cout << "\n1: nCr\n2: nPr\n";
             find = getch();
             cout << "Enter value of n: ";
             cin >> n;
             cout << "Enter value of r: ";
             cin >> r;
             if(find == '1')
                     ans = fict(n) /( fict(r) * fict(n-r));
                     cout << "\nAnswer of "<<n<<"C"<<r<<" is: "<<ans<<endl;
             else if(find == '2')
                     ans = fict(n) / fict(n-r);
                     cout << "\nAnswer of "<<n<<"P"<<r<<" is: "<<ans<<endl;
                     cout << "Enter valid input."<<endl;
             cout << "You like to calculate again? n/y.";
             status = getch();