Create a class of student, get student name and age and print on screen using setter and getter function.

6/26/2013 12:03:00 am Unknown 0 Comments

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace::std;
class student
      string name;
      int age;
      student()     //constructor
      ~student()   //distructor
      void setData(string n, int a)     //setter function
      void Dispaly()                   //getter function
           cout<<"Your name is "<<name<<"\nYour age is "<<age<<endl;
int main()
       student a; // object of class student
       string name;
       int age;
       cout<<"Enter your name: ";
       getline(cin, name); //get complete line from user.
       cout<<"Enter your age: ";
       a.setData(name, age); // calling setter function
       a.Dispaly(); // calling getter function
       system("pause"); // hold screen untill user enter any character from screen